CAUTION!!! Foul language is used.
Paltalk: Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah to all those who follow righteousness and Greetings to all. Ahlan Wa Sahlan ikhwan wa akhawat fil Islam. Sufism aka TASAWWUF is not a sect. All views are welcome so long as you do not infringe upon the rules on the banner.
terminator01: take the mic!
terminator01: lol i told u!
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: brb
terminator01: tyt
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: 2 sisters and 1 brother??????
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: THIS IS BID'AHHH
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: BID'AHHHHH
Shugriya3: onomat
terminator01: whats bidah
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie:
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: loL
Shugriya3: lol
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: brb
terminator01: lol
terminator01: ono i got full marks for the tesrtt lol
Shugriya3: hey u can marry us we are our wife on line
Shugriya3: what bidaah
Shugriya3: allah allowed u 4
terminator01: but the teacher told me i never study ienough
Shugriya3: two more u need
terminator01: lol
Shugriya3: dam that teacher why
terminator01: haha after all that teacher is my mom lol
Shugriya3: ooop's lolol
Shugriya3: really
Shugriya3: lolol
terminator01: come i recite quraan for here loL
terminator01: can i?
terminator01: lol
Shugriya3: i see i though u were talking about school
terminator01: oh lol nah school is on stirkie till tues day lol
terminator01: they need wages!
terminator01: welcome justice
terminator01: dead here
terminator01: its winter here!
terminator01: welcome dragon
terminator01: u hate me
Shugriya3: lol yeah right
Shugriya3: lolol
Dragon With Rare Diamond: termintor
Shugriya3: my stomach is hanging low
terminator01: i will ounce u out lol
terminator01: elo dear!
scally_chris: lmao
terminator01: haha!
scally_chris: hahaha
scally_chris: mcdonalds
terminator01: oil food
scally_chris: yes
terminator01: brb
Shugriya3: what
Last_Prophet_Muhammed: what
Shugriya3: how
terminator01: last prophet?
Last_Prophet_Muhammed: æ Úáíßã ÇáÓáÇã
Last_Prophet_Muhammed: ãÍãÏ
scally_chris: lol
Last_Prophet_Muhammed: ååååå
Last_Prophet_Muhammed: oh
Last_Prophet_Muhammed: ok
scally_chris: yes sis
scally_chris: i love em
scally_chris: used to watch em all the time
scally_chris: akira
scally_chris: fist of the north star
scally_chris: veryt violent things tho
Shugriya3: bleach
scally_chris: lol
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Assalamu'alaikum
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: i'm gonna play somethin
scally_chris: wsalam
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: i think sis shugriya might like it
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: hey bro chros
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: chris*
scally_chris: hey onomat
scally_chris: i been feeling really down
scally_chris: but i feel ok today
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: aww chris
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie:
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: May Allah make it easy for you
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: what's that sis shugriya?
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: lol
terminator01: heehe!
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: what the????!?!?!?!
Shugriya3: cartoons
Shugriya3: mega
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: wha
scally_chris: manga
Shugriya3: bleach
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie:
scally_chris: yeah
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie:
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie:
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie:
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie:
Paltalk: Shugriya3 reddotted by: terminator01
Paltalk: Shugriya3 unreddotted by: terminator01
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: loL
terminator01: lol
Shugriya3: hahaha
terminator01: walaykom salaam
Shugriya3: grrrrrrrrrr onomat
Shugriya3: onomat why man?
Shugriya3: lolol
terminator01: haha!
Shugriya3: haha
scally_chris: mANGA IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
terminator01: i will dot u to
Shugriya3: what is this
scally_chris: lol
terminator01: oh
terminator01: hahaha
Shugriya3: okay i see
scally_chris: isnt it shugriya??
Shugriya3: yeaah get u out of thios world yeah
Shugriya3: last why u crying
Sayed_Al_Farsi: howdie partners
terminator01: sayed
Shugriya3: sayed say salam
terminator01: hey!
scally_chris: howdy bro sayed
Shugriya3: oh my days what muslim are u
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Ono ..did you like that Debate with h-adam yeserday
terminator01: i am a human muslim!
terminator01: haha
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Assalamu'alaikum Sayed
Shugriya3: haha
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: there was no debate Sayed
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: you were lectured to
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Ono ...thank you
Shugriya3: he is dreaming
Sayed_Al_Farsi: there wasnt ?
Sayed_Al_Farsi: wow
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: but i didn't like the topic which you brought up
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: and how the other brother handled it
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: the subject
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: if you have
Paltalk: Upgrade Now -- Get unlimited video all the time!
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: even the slightest clue
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: about ur religion
Shugriya3: lolol
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam said I go to brothels and have sex with prostitutes
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: should not be asked
Sayed_Al_Farsi: masha'Allah what an Aleem
Shugriya3: what
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: in such mannerisms
Shugriya3: oh my days
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: the issue should not be debated upon
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: especially not among lay persons
terminator01: why u talking of my dadwith out his presence????
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Shugriya ... ya , wallahi, he said that yesterday to me , that I go to brothels and have sex with prostitutes
Shugriya3: sayed what may allah punish for what u said about h- adam
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Auzibillah
terminator01: why u talking of my dadwith out his presence????
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Sayed
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Shugriya ... you think Iam lying , wallahi he said that
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: please do not bring fitnah to this room
terminator01: i am going to invite him hhere
Sayed_Al_Farsi: go for it
Sayed_Al_Farsi: invite him
Shugriya3: sayed proof
Shugriya3: subhana-allah
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Shugriya ... me saying Wallahi is not enough evidence ?
Sayed_Al_Farsi: invite him ..and ask him
terminator01: Welcome [] ° ¨ ° [] h-adam [] ° ¨ ° []To Science of Tasawwuf is the Heart of Islam
Shugriya3: no because i know h-adam
terminator01: nce is wipping away
Shugriya3: oh my days
- h-adam enters the room by invitation of terminator01, his daughter.
NOTE : h-adam starts speaking on the mic until the end.
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Sayed_Al_Farsi: Shugriya ... ya , wallahi, he said that yesterday to me , that I go to brothels and have sex with prostitutes
anas_qayyim: 2221112222
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: h-adam
anas_qayyim: 1gv now
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Sayed
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: said this about you
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: just now
Shugriya3: 222
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Sayed_Al_Farsi: Shugriya ... ya , wallahi, he said that yesterday to me , that I go to brothels and have sex with prostitutes
Dragon With Rare Diamond: lol
scally_chris: shugriya i lost half a stone
Dragon With Rare Diamond: lol
Dragon With Rare Diamond: lol
Shugriya3: 11
anas_qayyim: 121121212121
scally_chris: 111
Shugriya3: 1111
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: 1111
h-adam: la3natullaahi 3alal kathibeen
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: hal hua kadhab h-adam?
Shugriya3: sayed i don't believe never
terminator01: did he say u?
Shugriya3: wow
Sayed_Al_Farsi: looool
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: subahanallah
Shugriya3: subahan-allah
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Sayed
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam .. We debated yesterday on the Arsh of Allah(swt)
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: you are a huge fitnah maker
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam ... I had a different nick
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Sayed
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: you debated with Kalabadhi
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: not h-adam
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam ...... A brother debated you yesterday on Arsh of Allah(swt) , did you say he goes to Brothels or not ???????????????
terminator01: Welcome -•~¹'°¨°'¹i| AL-SOMALI 3 |i¹'°¨°'¹~•- to Science of Tasawwuf is the Heart of Islam
Sayed_Al_Farsi: lol
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Sayed....
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam did not say it to the brother yesterday ?
Sayed_Al_Farsi: why are you not clarifying ?
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: you were talking to Kalabadhi yesterday
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: not h-adam
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: h-adam was mostly on text
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Ono ... I was talking to him , kala came on later briefly
h-adam: 110 karlienpark zinniaville rustenburg 0302 nort west south africa
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: you really need to stop being such a big fitnah maker Sayed
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam ...... A brother debated you yesterday on Arsh of Allah(swt) , did you say he goes to Brothels or not ???????????????
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: briefly Sayed?
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Kalabadhi spoke to you more than half an hour !
terminator01: Welcome «------•}I|[ khalil_13_2 ]|I{•------» to Science of Tasawwuf is the Heart of Islam
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: your memory is laughable Sayed
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Ono ... you never said "brothels" and "prostitutes" ?
khalil_13_2: Asalaam Alaikum
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: me??
Dragon With Rare Diamond: ws
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam ... That was me yesterday on text
Shugriya3: ws
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: i was not even in the discussion?
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam ... did you speak of Prostitutes ?
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Sayed_Al_Farsi: Ono ... you never said "brothels" and "prostitutes" ?
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: what are you on Sayed?
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: are you on Crack?
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Ono ...its called typo dude lol
Shugriya3: oh my days
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: when you make such a blunderin typo
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: rectify it
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: to avoid confusion Sayed
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam ...why are you not answering ?
-h-adam already swore by Allah that if he did utter such words, may Allah's curse be upon me and kill me right now.
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: stop being a confusion maker
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam ...... A brother debated you yesterday on Arsh of Allah(swt) , did you not speak of brothels and prostitutes to the brother ???????????????
Sayed_Al_Farsi: lol
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie has bounced ALLAHS-72VIRGINS from the chat room
Sayed_Al_Farsi: ridiculous
scally_chris: sayed u said before h adam said it to u
terminator01: Welcome «------•}I|[ Almojannad ]|I{•------» to Science of Tasawwuf is the Heart of Islam
Sayed_Al_Farsi: scally ... he did , wallahi
Sayed_Al_Farsi: I swear by Allah(swt)
Shugriya3: H- ADAM
scally_chris: i never heard anything
Shugriya3: DON'T WORRY
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: several people were in the room in fact
Shugriya3: ME I WAS HERE
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam .. pass the mic
Shugriya3: YEAH
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: eww
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: london brother
Shugriya3: OH MY DAYS
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: is a foul fitnah maker
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: a liar on the Shari'ah
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Auzibillah
Sayed_Al_Farsi: stop back biting the brother please
Shugriya3: OH MY DAYS
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Ono
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Sayed.....u were backbiting...
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: we are warning of someone
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam ... pass the mic
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: that isn't backbiting
terminator01: whenu were back bitting my father it was nothing ?
Shugriya3: HOW DARE U
khalil_13_2: terminator: who is your father?
Sayed_Al_Farsi: why is he changing the topic ?
terminator01: he is on the mic!
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam ... pass the mic
khalil_13_2: termintaor: is sheaikh adam-h your father?
terminator01: yes khalil
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Shugriya ... you are little girl , iam putting you on ignore
- This is an example of the arrogance of wahabism
khalil_13_2: terminator: ok
Sayed_Al_Farsi: harami ?
Sayed_Al_Farsi: wow
Sayed_Al_Farsi: now he is calling people Bastards
- This bloody liar has a perverted mind who's looking for trouble. h-adam was calling him harami in the arabic sense of the word, meaning one who opposes the Shari'ah.
Sayed_Al_Farsi: masha'Allah
khalil_13_2: Sayed: drop it
Sayed_Al_Farsi: what an Aleem
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: again
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: a LIAR
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: subahanallah
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: Sayed
terminator01: lol
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie: you are the devil
Sayed_Al_Farsi: h-adam .. you know Harami means Bastard in Pakistani/Afghan culture
terminator01: Welcome chelsea rose To Science of Tasawwuf is the Heart of Islam
Shugriya3: MAY8*
Sayed_Al_Farsi: i have proved my point
Sayed_Al_Farsi: thank you
terminator01: Welcome «------•}I|[ kiwi269 ]|I{•------» to Science of Tasawwuf is the Heart of Islam
khalil_13_2: I didnt know Harami means Bastard
khalil_13_2: Harami does not mean Bastard
Sayed_Al_Farsi: khalil ..ya, in Pakstani/Afghani Culture
Sayed_Al_Farsi: Harami/Haramzada = Bastard Child
terminator01: Welcome «›-¤•.„.•´ Shugriya3 `•.„.•¤¬‹» to Science of Tasawwuf is the Heart of Islam
khalil_13_2: adam: thats what I thought.. where did bastard come from
Shugriya3: Shugriya3 has bounced Sayed_Al_Farsi from the chat room
khalil_13_2: Harami does not mean Bastard
anas_qayyim: recorded
scally_chris: he got bounced
scally_chris: was he trying to wind u up
Alhamdulillahirabbil 'alameen. Allah s.w.t. exposes the liars.

I do not hate nor hold any grudge on the Wahabis/Salafis as a community. The contents provided here are not meant to incite hatred for the wahabis who are Muslims(however confused they may be) but it is simply to convey the truth and expose the lies that prevail among them so as to warn others not to fall into the same mire. May Allah s.w.t. guide us all.
"ISLAM is the ONLY PATH to salvation. Ahl Sunnah Wal Jama'ah is the ONLY vehicle that may take you on that path. Tasawwuf is the engine that drives the vehicle. If you have these, you will earn Allah's pleasure, Insha'Allah." Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie
Quotable Quotes
"If the first inward thought is not warded off, it will generate a desire, then the desire will generate a wish, and the wish will generate an intention, and the intention will generate the action, and the action will result in ruin and divine wrath. So evil must be cut off at its root, which is when it is simply a thought that crosses the mind, from which all the other things follow on."
(Al-Hujjatul Islam Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali, Ihya' Ulum al-Deen 6/17)
"If you are aware of your humility, then you are arrogant."
(Ibn Ata'illah)
"Never do I argue with a man with a desire to hear him say what is wrong, or to expose him and win victory over him. Whenever I face an opponent in debate I silently pray - O Lord, help him so that truth may flow from his heart and on his tongue, and so that if truth is on my side, he may follow me; and if truth be on his side, I may follow him."
(Imam Al-Shafie r.a.)
"Never forget that turning a blind eye to oppression and watching from the sidelines is itself oppression"
(Harun Yahya)
"Do not sit idle, for indeed death is seeking you'
(Hasan Al-Basri)
Thursday, June 7, 2007
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